Starting a software development project can be a huge undertaking.  Aside from the core functionality, it is more important than ever to focus on the user interface, user experience, and graphic design.  Additionally, managing the project itself including budgets, resources, and flow often requires an experienced project manager or team.  In order to assemble a functional technology stack, stay on budget, and deliver a timely outcome, more and more businesses are choosing to outsource software development, in partial or total.

When to outsource software development?

There are many reasons a business may choose to outsource software development.  These boil down to five main reasons:

  1. Cost reduction
  2. Better control over expenses
  3. Lack of available IT talent
  4. Free up company workforce & management
  5. Faster project development

I’ve decided to outsource my software development.  How do I get started?

Great question!  To choose an outsource software development company to partner with, the first place to start is defining your goals and expectations.  The rest falls in order shortly after that.

1. List your software development requirements.

Before getting started on the actual development, it’s important to note exactly what you’d like to see in your final outcome.  Are you starting from square one with a list of features or do you have expectations in mind for exactly what the development team should focus on?

Having a defined product or project scope is helpful going into a project so you can hit the ground running with your project manager and development team.  Of course, if you’re a start-up or have a concept in mind that needs additional discussion, a great software development team will sit down with you to define the project, functionality, and timeline.

2. Understand budget and scope of work.

Having a preliminary budget in mind will help during the process of choosing a development team and scope of work.  One of the best reasons to outsource software development is for quick turnaround and timeline.  Utilizing an agile development process, your software development team can shift in the scope of work as required by the initial phases and testing.  However, with the scope of work changing, budget can shift as well.  Having a set and contingency budget that envelopes the rest of your business budget can keep you focused and forecasting properly.

3. Research potential development teams.

It is more important than ever to do your homework when it comes to choosing a potential software development team to partner with.  Likely, this won’t be just a one-time project and you’ll be choosing a partner to develop and maintain your application with for months and years to come.

It is important to focus not only on the company’s technological abilities and experience but also on some intangible features.  One of the most important being communication.  Throughout development and testing, many decisions will need to be made.  Utilizing a development team that you not only feel confident in but comfortable reaching out to and receiving timely responses will help ensure the successful outcome of your new software or web application.

4. Request a Quote.

To determine if your budget is realistic with your expectations, it’s important to reach out to multiple software companies to request a quote and get more information!  Oftentimes, you’ll find major differences between the quotes and recommendations you receive.  When receiving, the price is, of course, the most important variable but look for variations in recommendations, technology, and outcomes utilized as well.

Looking for an experienced, yet affordable, software development team?  We would appreciate an opportunity to connect with you and establish a partnership.  Feel free to contact us with your information, and we’ll be in touch shortly!

When and How to Outsource Software Development Pin